August Veils - Designers of
couture headpieces and veils. Custom detailing available.
Belgian Lace Veils -
Handmade, original patterned veils.
Betty Wales Bridal Veils -
Veils and accessories.
Bridal Veils by TC -
Custom or standard veils and headpieces.
Bridal Veils by Yvette - Custom designed and handmade bridal veils.
Lace, ribbon and illusion fabric available.
- Wedding headpieces and veils.
Bride 2 B Headpieces
and Veils - Custom headpieces and veils.
Camps Mantillas - Mantillas
and wedding veils produced using European Lace
Carousel Bridal Veils -
Manufacturer of award winning lace and illusion bridal veils.
Custom Headpieces by Laura
- Bridal headpieces and wedding veils. Crowns, bridal hats and tiaras.
Situated in Southern California.
DeLaSalle's Bridal
Veils - Custom made veils and bridal veils specially made for women
suffering from hair loss.
Design One - Custom made
veils and headpieces.
Designs by Kristen -
Custom bridal veils and headpieces, made in New Hampshire.
Elegant Custom Designs
- Custom made bridal headpieces and veils.
Elemental Dream Day -
Luxury bridal head pieces, wreaths, tiaras, and veils.
Emily Stuart - Bridal veils
and accessories.
Eve's Circle - Custom made
bridal veils that become necklaces after the wedding.
Harpagon - Books, supplies
and tips for making your own wedding veil. Order by mail, phone or online.
Hatbox Hats and Bridal Veils -
Hats and bridal veils made by hand. Custom designs are available.
Honiton Lace - Antique
wedding veils, bridal lace, care and handling of lace information and
history of traditional lace patterns.
A La Mode Bridal Veils -
Customized bridal veils.
Lands Far
Away Imports - Spanish wedding lace and shawls produced using rayon,
nylon, poliamida and silk. Wholesale and retail.
Lockett Bridal Headpieces
- Unique tiaras, headband bunwraps, crowns and veils.
Louise Verschueren - Wedding
veils, handkerchiefs and linens manufactured from Belgian lace.
Pauline Nichol - Custom
embroidered veils made in North Yorkshire, England.
Designs by Tauna - Custom designed veils and wedding accessories.
Romantic Headlines -
Bridal veils, headpieces, tiaras, hats, lingerie, shoes and accessories.
5th Avenue Lingerie -
Lingerie and veils for brides.
Veil Shop - Offers veils with 11
different edge finishes and individually priced headpieces.
Vision Veils - Bridal
accessories including veils, tiaras, and jewelry. Offers testimonials, a
veil tutorial and other wedding links.
W Bridal Shop - Custom
handmade wedding headpieces, veils and costume jewelry.
WeddingVeil.com - Offering
veils and head pieces.
Weddingveils.net - Custom
and designer veils and headpieces.